Welcome to my website/portfolio. Inspired for my love of video games and older sites. It will continue to be updated as I search for a job.
I am an aspiring programmer looking for his first break in the industry. If you know of any opportunities let me know!
Things about me:
- Currently living in Salt Lake City.
- My main programming language is Javascript(learning Typescript + Rust).
- I am a former Air Traffic Controller.
- I love traveling and making stained glass windows.
- I hate tomatoes.
- I am a dual US/UK citizen.
- I spend most of my time either on my computer or learning new things.
- My favorite food are french fries.
☪ Does It Go 2 - Typescript
My main project. A reimagining of Does It Go, utilizing React, Typescript, and Firebase. Expanding the userbase from pragliding/speedflyers to ALL outdoor enthusiasts. Get multiple forecasts for different locations on ONE page that you can tailor to your specific outdoor needs.
☪ Does It Go
A full stack PERN database app that displays weather conditions for multiple paragliding launch points on one page. This eliminates the need to hop to several different forecasts to find a flyable launch.
☪ River Romper Cabin Rentals
A static webpage to advertise cabin rentals in the Red River Gorge, Kentucky. My first paid professional web design project. Fully responsive and made with direction and input from client.
☪ The Catacombs
The very site you are on right now! Made as a little test of basic HTML and CSS skills. I went with a retro video game vibe bacause thats the look I enjoy most and I think is super unique, especially in today's world of modern websites.